A municipality or school district that is issuing debt (referred to herein as an “issuer”) needs to employ legal counsel to assist it with the debt issuance process. There are several legal roles in a bond issuance, two of which involve representing the issuer.  To begin with, the issuer already has its regular solicitor who serves as the issuer’s general counsel on a wide range of legal issues, such as labor matters, bidding and contracts, land development, and litigation.  When an issuer decides to issue debt to finance or refinance a capital project, it should also retain a special counsel, known as bond counsel, to assist both the issuer and its solicitor with the debt issuance process.  Bond counsel firms specialize in the legal aspects of debt issuance, including tax law, securities law, and state statutory law.
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Municipal financings are often perceived as a very complex, and even overwhelming, undertaking. The various rules and regulations which govern the process oftentimes seem complicated and difficult to understand. Keep in mind that no matter how difficult or cumbersome the process may seem, the issuance of bonds or notes by a municipality is simply the