McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC is a full-service law firm representing corporations, associations, institutions, small businesses and individuals, and is a long-standing member of ALFA International. With offices in Devon, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Scranton, State College, York, Pennsylvania, Columbus, Ohio, Frederick and Towson, MD and Washington, DC,, McNees continues its tradition of valued service, its philosophy of Clients First, and its leading edge spirit.  Closely monitoring market conditions and offering progressive client assistance, the firm’s experienced legal counsel provides service in a number of areas to best serve companies of all sizes. These services include:

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC has been honored as one of the Best Places to work in Pennsylvania since 2006. We work to understand clients’ needs, to anticipate problems and to work on ways to help you achieve the most important goal – your success.

Please feel free to visit our website and you’ll see that while McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC keeps ahead of your trends, issues and challenges, our foundation of quality service remains steadfast and strong.